Copy/Paste Table Rows

What do you need?

The ability to copy and paste data from and into a row of a table object. Primarily, data copied between rows among the same table – but, also, being able to export/import to/from other tables and/or converting from the clipboard.

Why do you need it?

Workflow improvement. It is possible to export, copy/paste the rows in Markdown, and then re-import the draft, but, ideally, this shouldn’t be necessary.

How would it work?

Data copied to the clipboard, initially within the same DeveloperHub page, but, perhaps also expanded to external sources, is able to be copy/pasted into an added row of a table, instead of needing to re-enter the same data, if applicable.


Column A Column B Column C
Data Data Data
Data Data Data
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+1, being able to quickly copy and paste from Google doc/MS Word tables would make my life easier.

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It’s only fair. I’ll get this tasked!

I’m here looking for an update on this. Also trying to copy/paste table information.

Hey there!

We have just added minimal support for copying table rows. It also works to copy/paste from external sources. It copies the formatting as well.

How it works:

Select cells by highlighting the text, copy using ctrl+c/context menu. Select another cell in the same table or another table, paste using ctrl+p/context menu.

Known limitations as part of minimal support:

  • Pasting will not create new rows or new columns. Sufficient number of rows/cols is expected to already exist.
  • Pasting will not create a new table when cells are pasted into an empty line. To copy the whole table, select the whole table (previously functionality - nothing new here) and paste on an empty line.
  • Undo undos one step at a time.
  • Does not copy hrefs/inline blocks.
