White page with nothing for some of our clients


Some of our clients can’t access to the docs.algoan.com, they have a white page with a pop-up (“Unable to load project”, see attachment). I asked to share with us the console chrome to get more information (see attachement

I think they have a strong check regarding CORS policy which blocks the loading of the page.

Do we have to do something in our configuration?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,

Hey Fabrice,

Thanks for the investigative work and I’m sorry about the inconvenience.

I am unable to find anywhere in our logs for the past 3 days an error in the loading of your project, so I am guessing that this client is unable to reach developerhub servers at all. Can the client please try to access the docs through a different computer or their mobile phone?

Keep me updated

Ah, in addition to that, the error doesn’t really have to do with CORS. Generally if a non 200 status code is returned, the CORS error would show.

I added the header but as expected it didn’t fix it. I’ll try to debug with them to collect more information.

Hello @Fabrice, any updates on this?

Hello @zed, no updates from them, unfortunately. I’ll share it to you when they’ll come back to me. Best, Fabrice.